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Not Even a Hint (sermon video)

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It’s 5:23 am and I am sitting at the airport waiting for my 6:20 am flight to start boarding.  I’ll be travelling for the next couple of days so I’m sure if I’m going to get a chance to write a blog post – at least for today.  So instead I’m posting a video of the sermon I gave last week at STSA – the first installment in our newest series called NOT EVEN A HINT.

This series is inspired by a verse that I wrote about last week:

“But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.”  Ephesians 5:3

You can watch the rest of the videos in this series as they become available by going to our website,, weekly.

For discussion: I’d love to hear any thoughts, comments or feedback on the sermon if you have any.