Yikes! A FLOOD!!!
Woke up this morning nice and early, ready to tackle one of those weeks - one of those weeks where I have more things to do than hours to do it. But that's ok, no worries. God is good and God is going to get me through.
That's when I heard the something like the sound of many rushing waters - but not the kind of rushing waters that heaven speaks about These rushing waters were coming from my downstairs bathroom. The toilet is leaking! Oh no! And the water is coming fast - must have been leaking all night. But it should be ok as long as it didn't go through the ceiling to the basement. Right?
WRONG! Basement flooded. Carpet soaked. And it stinks. There goes my day!
So no blog post today unfortunately. Got to deal with this disaster. I'm sure there's a lesson here somewhere, but to be honest right now, I can't see it. But I am determined not to let this ruin my day/week. DETERMINED! It might alter my schedule a bit and lead to a few less hours of sleep tonight when I get home - but no way am I going to let this get me down or distract me from what I need to do this week...
...at least that's what I am praying for. To be continued...