Fasting & Discipline - Hungering for God Part 3

I'll be taking a break from blogging for the rest of week and probably through New Year's (everyone deserves a break during the holidays right?).  Till then, I'll leave you with yesterday's finale in the HUNGERING FOR GOD series - Fasting & Discipline.  A good one to listen to as you prepare to make those new year resolutions.

Have a blessed Christmas and New Year's and God willing, I'll see you all in 2013!

Responding to Tragedy - sermon video

Our hearts are all broken over the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.  Yesterday I preached a message about how we can respond to the inevitable tragedies and disasters of life.  

May God comfort the hearts of all those who are mourning this tragic loss and may He once again make light to shine out of the darkness of this world.