World-Changing SPEAKING


That was the key thought in Part 3 of the World-Changers series at The Well.  The title of this week's message was "World-Changing Speaking" and the main idea is that if something is dear to our hearts, it must find its way to our lips.  If we truly believe that God has given us new life through His Son Jesus Christ and we value that gift as we should, then at some point in time, that belief must find its own out of my mouth for others to hear.

I know, I know, you'll say "I witness with my deeds" and "actions speak louder than words" - I've heard (and said) those same excuses.  But I invite you to take a look at the video above and see if you still feel that way after listening to the message.

World-Changing PRAYER

Week 2 of the World-Changers series and this week's topic is World-Changing Prayer.  The key thought for this week's message is this:  what you PRAY FOR reveals what you BELIEVE ABOUT God.

Pray for small things?  Then you probably believe in a small God.

Pray for selfish things?  Then you probably believe that God is here to serve you and make you happy.

Pray for nothing?  Then you probably believe that God doesn't really care.

Jesus didn't come back from the dead just for a celebration; He came back on a mission and with marching orders for us to continue that mission.  If we're serious about being World-Changers (like Jesus was and like His original followers were) and getting that mission done, it's going to need to start with our prayers.

World-Changing FAITH

"When Jesus came back from the dead, He didn't come for a celebration.  He came with marching orders."

One week removed from the Feast of the LORD's Resurrection and the question on everyone's mind is....NOW WHAT?  What next?  Back to life as normal?  Or was that whole Good Friday/Easter Sunday thing supposed to make a real difference in my life somehow?

I believe the answer is YES!  Absolutely, positively, 100% yes!  If you look back at the guys who lived through the Resurrection the first time, you'll see that this one event ushered in a whole new era of life.  The weak became strong, the timid became bold, and the doubts turned to faith!  The Resurrection did make a difference...A LIFE-CHANGING AND WORLD-CHANGING DIFFERENCE!

I believe the same is meant to be true today as well - for me and you.  Easter may be over and the food may be finished, but the marching orders are still in full effect.  Take a look at the video below and see for yourself what happens when we actually believe that that is true.

Do Not Be Afraid (sermon video)

Christ is risen!!!  WOO-HOO!!!!  And by His death, He has defeated death itself and given life and hope and joy to all those who believe Him and walk in His ways.

Because of that, the one expression that should fill the hearts and the mouths of His followers during these blessed days is DO NOT BE AFRAID.  But unfortunately, that isn't always the case.  Despite the fact that Christ defeated our greatest enemy (death), many still walk in fear today.

That's why I'm posting this sermon video today.  The title is simple: DO NOT BE AFRAID.  It was a sermon I gave on the first Sunday after Easter several years ago and I think it could speak powerfully to many people today.

Hope you enjoy!

Offline for Holy Week

It has officially begun - the most beautiful/sacred time of the year.  Pascha Week (aka Holy Week) is upon us.  Because of that, I won't be blogging this week.  But I didn't want to leave my faithful blog followers high and dry so below is a message I shared one year which talks about HOW TO PREPARE FOR HOLY WEEK.

Have a great week and hopefully I'll see you all back online next week.

The Guardian of Biblical Truth - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Part 6

Series finale in the You Are What You Eat series and this week's message is about one of the hottest topics in modern Christians circles.  TRADITION...and its role in the Church and in our spiritual lives.

"Tradition?  You mean all that man-made stuff that Jesus hated?  That stuff's for the Pharisees!  I don't believe in Tradition; I believe in the Bible and YOU SHOULD TOO!"

If that's the perspective you're coming from, I invite you to check out the video below and see for yourself.  You may be surprised to discover that you're already depending on Tradition a lot more than you realized...

Finding Joy in the Bible - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Part 5

"Your words were found, and I ate them,and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart"  Jeremiah 15:16

Do you ENJOY reading the Bible?  Be honest.  I know that you probably force yourself to do it, but how often do you actually find JOY when you read God's Word?

That's our topic in this week's message in the You Are What You Eat series.  The title of the message is FINDING JOY IN THE BIBLE and it's a topic that I'll bet most people don't think applies to them.  We know it is "good" to read to Bible and we know it is "beneficial" to read the Bible and we know that we are "supposed" to read the Bible.

But did you ever know that it can be ENJOYABLE to read the Bible?

Well, now you do.  Check out the message above and see for yourself.

The Art of Studying the Bible - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Part 4

What's the difference between READING the Bible vs STUDYING the Bible?  It's the difference between chugging a bottle of water vs sipping a glass of wine.  The objectives are different (quantity vs quality) and therefore the methodology needs to be different as well.

This week's message in the You Are What You Eat series is titled THE ART OF STUDYING THE BIBLE.  In it, I talk about the method I use to help me go deeper into God's Word and find depth there.  It's not as complicated as you think.  Like everything in life, you just need a good system to help you achieve your desired results.

Reading for distance is good; but studying for depth is where the richness of the Bible is found.  

The Real Reason We Don't Read the Bible - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Part 3

Be honest.  What's the real reason you don't read the Bible more?  Too busy?  Not sure if it's true?  Don't need to hear God's voice?  Nope.  None of those are the root.  The real reason we don't read the Bible is simple: WE DON'T GET ANYTHING OUT OF IT!

I am fully convinced of that. If you found HOPE in the Bible, you'd read more.  If you found COMFORT in the Bible, you'd read more.  If you found DIRECTION in the Bible, you'd read more.  Our problem is not that we don't want to read the Bible; our problem is that we get nothing out of it when we do.

That's why this Week 3 in the YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT series might be the most important one for you.  In it, I talk about what I believe is the most important thing we need to do to find meaning in the Word of God.  We know that there's good stuff in the Bible; but it doesn't do me much good unless I know how to find it and understand it.

Check out this week's message - The Real Reason We Don't Read the Bible - below and get ready to discover the one key to unlocking the benefit of God's Word in your life.

Why I Need the Bible - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Part 2

Week 2 of the YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT series at The Well and this week's message is one that we all need.  Last week we looked at the question "WHAT is the Bible?"  We saw that the Bible is the breath/voice of God coming through the vocal chords of various writers.  This week, we discussed the question "WHY do I need the Bible?"

The majority of us know that we SHOULD read the Bible and know that it's important.  But the bottom line is that we often don't read the Bible because we don't see the impact of it in our lives.  We don't see how it is supposed to make my life/day any better.