Congratulations to the following commenters who have been selected as the winners of DISCOVER iBook giveaway. Based on their comments to my previous blog post, they will each be receiving a free copy of the DISCOVER iBook – a 6 week group study created by The Hope Association to be used as a follow up to the Momentum conference.
And the winners are...
When I arrived at the conference I noticed the huge, professionally done banners. I read the subheading on the posters "the call to lead." So guess what I was expecting? Advice on how to lead. That's not what I got. Here's the irony. Ready for it? The prevailing theme of the conference was how to follow; how to join my story to God's story; how to identify my gifts; say thank you God (instead of feigning humility); and then go out with God's rod in my hand instead of my own. Same rod. Same God. Different Moses. To the world it looks like the rod belongs to Moses, but now we know better. Before Momentum, I thought my gifts were mine to lead with them the way I saw best; but now I know better.
"WE are God's fellow workers" He invites us to help Him on His mission. It made me realize if Christ were walking around today in our world, He would be going around healing, loving, restoring, teaching and reviving people like we see in the Gospels. That means our church should be actively doing just that... So many churches get stuck in traditions and formalities that we're missing the point - to be His hands in this world and use our gifts to accomplish the mission. When God is in control there's no telling what can happen!
I can honestly say that our lives were RUINED and I can't wait to go and RUIN some more lives! The tidal wave is coming, get ready!!!
Congratulations to all the winners! Enjoy your new iBooks!
In addition, I’ve decided to give away a 4th iBook to Ceena. Even though she wasn’t able to attend Momentum, her comment touched my heart and I’ve decided to send her a copy as well.
And yes, in case you're wondering, that does prove that there actually is a heart inside me - contrary to popular opinion :)