LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS Part 2 - Discovering Your Greatness

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and GREATER WORKS THAN THESE HE WILL DO, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12)

Did you ever think about how that verse could possibly be true?  How could we do "greater works" than Jesus Himself?  The One who walked on water?  Fed the multitudes with 5 loaves and 2 fish?  Healed the sick and raised the dead?  Is it actually possible for me to do "greater works than these?"

I say YES!  And in Part 2 of the Living Your Strengths series, I tell you why I believe that.  


MOMENTUM IS BACK Woo hoo!  Time to get excited!  Why?  Because this year’s conference promises to be “greater” than ever!  That’s because the topic this year is STRIVE FOR GREATNESS.  And believe me when I say that I have never been more excited for a conference than I am for this one.

You see, I have this fundamental belief inside my core that I just can’t shake.  Whenever I read the Scriptures or look at the lives of those who have given themselves into the LORD’s hands, I just can’t help but coming to one conclusion:  WE WERE MADE FOR GREATNESS. 

Not greatness in the world’s eyes (riches, fame, etc.), but greatness in God’s eyes – the kind that comes from being “His workmanship” and from being “sons of the Most High.”  God didn’t create us for “normal-ness” or “average-ness” or “barely-getting-by-ness.”  He made us to be great!

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What Does It Take to Be Great?

“Greatness is not given.  Greatness is taken.”That’s a line from the new Gatorade commercial starring DC’s newest celebrity – Robert Griffin III, quarterback of the Washington Redskins.

In addition to being a fan of RGIII and hoping that he is the long awaited franchise quarterback that the Redskins have been waiting for, his commercial got me to thinking: 

what does it take to get great?  What defines greatness?

What makes a great doctor or a great lawyer?  What makes a great husband or wife?  And in a spiritual sense, what makes me great as a child of God?

I’ve always believed that the measure of success in any field isn’t based on what you DON’T DO, but rather it is based on what you DO DO.  I even said that once at a retreat and it quickly became the catch phrase of the retreat:  SUCCESS = DO DO (copyright coming soon, once I figure out how to do that :)).

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