Dear loyal blog followers, As you’ve probably noticed, I recently started using a new tool called Periscopeand I am having a TON OF FUN with it! If you haven’t tried it, you can get a feel for how it works by checking out the two demo scopes I've done thus far.
The beauty of Periscope is that it is a) super easy to use (just download the app and you’re pretty much good to go), and b) it allows for LIVE INTERACTION between the speaker and the audience. You can ask questions or make comments and I can respond on the spot, in real time. Trust me, it’s VERY COOL!
So moving forward, my plan is to do a live 30 minute scope every WEDNESDAY at 12:30 pm EST. I’ll still be writing a blog post in the morning, but then the scope will be a chance to expand on the subject and answer questions about it.
But here’s where I need your help. I NEED YOUR HELP WITH THE CONTENT.
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