I CAN'T, HE CAN - In The Waiting Room Part 3

“I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation”  Philippians 4:12

Is that really possible?  Can I really be "content" in every situation?  Can I really find peace inside when there's chaos and turmoil and upheaval all around me?  Is that possible and if so, how do I get there?

That's the topic of week 3 In The Waiting Room as we discuss the "secret of contentment".  You may not believe it but St. Paul gives us a formula to unlock this mystery in our own lives.  What is that formula?  You have to listen to the message to see.  But I'll give you a hint...


EMBRACING THE PAIN - In the Waiting Room Part 2

It's week 2 in our latest series, IN THE WAITING ROOM, and we're still trying to answer the question: what do you do when there's nothing you can do?

We all know someone who's done it - someone who's made it through the waiting room (those unchangeable/unalterable circumstances of life) and come out stronger than when they entered.  How do they do it?  What's their secret?  What am I doing or not doing that stops me from reaching that point of peace/trust in my waiting room?

It all comes down to one decision - one choice that you can make in your waiting room - that will unleash God's power and grace/ in your waiting room in extraordinary ways.