THE TALK - Adventures in Love, Sex & Dating Part 4

Get ready ladies and's time for "THE TALK."  Yep, you know what this talk is all about.  It's the talk that you never had with your mom or your dad.  It's the talk you are avoiding having with your kids as well.  It's the talk that you DEFINITELY never heard in church before...until today!

In this week's message, Deacon Michael Guirguis is back to share something you may not have known about sex and your sexuality.  It's a message that goes against everything culture teaches today.  

Culture teaches that sex is just physical, but God teaches that it's so much more than that.

LADIES NIGHT - Adventures in Love, Sex & Dating Part 3

It's Week 3 of REAL TALK: Adventures in Love, Sex & Dating and this week, we're focusing on the ladies!

In this message, Dr. Kurt Langenbach speaks about the Biblical model for womanhood and how God views the role of a wife in marriage.  He tackles the sensitive topic of "submission" and explains what it means in marriage and more importantly, what you need to do TODAY to be ready to fulfill this role TOMORROW.

Ladies, make sure you check out this message.  And get ready for next week's message, titled "Real Talk: THE TALK."  Stay tuned...

GENTLEMAN'S CLUB - Adventures in Love, Sex & Dating Part 2

Week 2 of REAL TALK: Adventures in Love, Sex & Dating and this week, we're talking specifically to the gentlemen (don't worry ladies, it'll be your turn next week!).

In this message, Deacon Michael Guirguis speaks about the one piece of advice that every single (and married) guy needs to hear.  And that is with regard to how we view women in society today.  If we want to have a marriage according to God's plan, then we need to change how we see women.

What am I talking about?  Check out the video and see for yourself.

THE RIGHT PERSON MYTH - Adventures in Love, Sex & Dating Part 1

We kicked off the highly anticipated new series yesterday, called REAL TALK: Adventures in Love, Sex & Dating.  

Part 1 of the series addressed one of the myths that so many of us have unfortunately been led to believe - "The Right Person" myth - which says "If I just marry the right person, everything will be alright."  You wouldn't fall for that one would you???

Just in case you're not sure, you might want to check out the video message above and see for yourself.  Enjoy!