THE TALK - Adventures in Love, Sex & Dating Part 4

Get ready ladies and's time for "THE TALK."  Yep, you know what this talk is all about.  It's the talk that you never had with your mom or your dad.  It's the talk you are avoiding having with your kids as well.  It's the talk that you DEFINITELY never heard in church before...until today!

In this week's message, Deacon Michael Guirguis is back to share something you may not have known about sex and your sexuality.  It's a message that goes against everything culture teaches today.  

Culture teaches that sex is just physical, but God teaches that it's so much more than that.

Stay Pure - For Better or For Worse Part 4

Yesterday's message is such an important one for every single person to hear.  It speaks about the plague of our era - sexual immorality - and the devastating effect it has on both single and married alike.  

It's the 4th part of the series we're doing right now called FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE - 5 commitments to fail proof your marriage. Take a look at the message below and may God help you (and me) to keep this important commitment to Stay Pure.

Not Even a Hint (sermon video)

It’s 5:23 am and I am sitting at the airport waiting for my 6:20 am flight to start boarding.  I’ll be travelling for the next couple of days so I’m sure if I’m going to get a chance to write a blog post – at least for today.  So instead I’m posting a video of the sermon I gave last week at STSA – the first installment in our newest series called NOT EVEN A HINT.

This series is inspired by a verse that I wrote about last week:

“But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.”  Ephesians 5:3

You can watch the rest of the videos in this series as they become available by going to our website,, weekly.

For discussion: I’d love to hear any thoughts, comments or feedback on the sermon if you have any.