What Does It Take to Be Great?

“Greatness is not given.  Greatness is taken.”That’s a line from the new Gatorade commercial starring DC’s newest celebrity – Robert Griffin III, quarterback of the Washington Redskins.

In addition to being a fan of RGIII and hoping that he is the long awaited franchise quarterback that the Redskins have been waiting for, his commercial got me to thinking: 

what does it take to get great?  What defines greatness?

What makes a great doctor or a great lawyer?  What makes a great husband or wife?  And in a spiritual sense, what makes me great as a child of God?

I’ve always believed that the measure of success in any field isn’t based on what you DON’T DO, but rather it is based on what you DO DO.  I even said that once at a retreat and it quickly became the catch phrase of the retreat:  SUCCESS = DO DO (copyright coming soon, once I figure out how to do that :)).

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Don't Try to Do It...DO IT!

 “I’m trying my best… I’ve tried 1000 times before… I will try to do better the next time…” Common expressions we hear and say every day.  But if you find yourself using those expressions repeatedly, then you need to listen carefully to my message today.  It is a lesson not from me, but rather from one of the wisest creatures to ever walk the face of this planet…YODA!

You know…Yoda…the fictional Jedi-master from the famous Star Wars movies.  There’s a famous scene from The Empire Strikes Back movie where Yoda is instructing Luke Skywalker in how to use the Force.

He asks Luke to retrieve his broken down spaceship out of a pit where it has sunk, using only his mind.  Luke, of course, thinks this is impossible.  Sure, he has been able to move stones around this way.  But a spaceship?  That’s completely different. Or is it?

Yoda patiently explains that it is only different in his mind. Luke reluctantly agrees to “give it a try.”  Yoda famously says, No!  Try not.  Do!  Or do not!  There is no try.” 


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Big Rocks First

A simple concept that will transform your life – if you learn to live by it daily.  No one other concept is more important to the idea of “time management,” and more importantly “life management,” than this.

Here is a video by Dr. Stephen Covey which illustrates the concept of BIG ROCKS FIRST.  The video is about 6 minutes long but trust me, it's well worth watching.  The visual illustration is much more powerful than any words can say and it will stick much longer too.

After you watch the video, consider what are the BIG ROCKS in your life?  Part of living intentionally means realizing that not all tasks were created equal.  The appropriate question to ask is not “did I get stuff done today?” but rather “did I get the important stuff done today?”  Like I said yesterday, the issue isn’t working harder; the issue is how to work smarter and focus on the important tasks that really need my attention.

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